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Monday, October 13, 2014

Belated Everything

Last week was super busy. I think I literally lost my head at one point; fortunately, a nice man found it and turned it in to the local police department. Police officers said they identified me by my red wine stained lips, though I suspect it helped that I spoke only in puns. Dental records might have been useful, too, but that's just boring.

It's a shame that I was too busy to blog, because I turned 23 last week and really could have used another medium for people to tell me how awesome I am and how happy they are that I'm still breathing in 2014. I have had a history of terrible birthdays, often finding myself in the emergency room or just crying in my bedroom on my birthday. True story: When I was turning seven, I hosted a slumber party for seven of my friends prior to my birthday party the next day. A brown recluse spider bit me in three places on my arm, forcing me to spend my birthday crying hysterically as the nurse searched for a viable vein to put the IV in. It was one of my better birthdays.

These are the flowers.
That said, this birthday was very nice. I went to work and one of my coworkers took me to lunch, where I ate really fattening, delicious pizza. Then, my other coworkers gave me a card and a cake and sang to me. When I returned home, I drank wine and drunkenly ate part of the birthday cake Gideon bought me the night before. (I was glad he didn't bring home candles or anything because I ate all the pretty parts of the cake. It would have been a terrible photo had he wanted one. I imagine I would have been staring into the camera with my candle-lit wine eyes, chocolate icing slathered about my face with a fairly demolished cake in one hand and a chocolate-soiled fork in the other.)

 Gideon made spaghetti, broccoli, garlic bread and salad when he got home. We spent the rest of the night watching Gilmore Girls and playing Farkle, which sounds super boring but was really fun and relaxing for me. Also, my mom sent me some really pretty flowers at work.

I had Friday off, so Gideon and I went to this amazing Italian eatery in Eureka Springs called Ermilio's. It is all I ever dreamed of and then some. The pasta. The gorgonzola sauce. The gorgonzola-apple bread. The regular bread. I just drooled all over my computer writing that, if that tells you anything. He also bought me chocolate cake there, which was about as delicious as the most delicious chocolate cake in the whole world. I have absolutely nothing snarky or sarcastic to say about this place; the food was too good for me to speak of it with any sass, implied or otherwise.

Honestly, the birthday was so great that I can't really talk about without gushing. I am pretty lucky to have all I do.

That said, I'm sure I'll be back to form (read: cynical and sarcastic) tomorrow.

This is a cute photo of my cat. 

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