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Thursday, January 28, 2016

Wedding traditions I do not like

Gideon and I have set a date for our wedding. According to the portrayal of brides on reality TV, I should already be freaking out and pushing his mom out of a moving vehicle for suggesting we change our colors. (Our colors are probably blue and silver - step off Cheri!)

My mom is helping me plan the wedding, and we haven't set much in stone yet save for the date and the venue. Of course that doesn't mean I haven't decided on the things I don't want to do. I am a pessimist at heart, after all.

These traditions include (but certainly aren't limited to!):
  1. Being walked down the aisle
  2. A sand ceremony/candle lighting/etc.
  3. Being announced as "Mr. and Mrs. Husbandfirstname Husbandlastname"
  4. A religious ceremony
  5. A church ceremony
  6. A long ceremony*
  7. A ceremony (I'm kidding - we'll have a ceremony but it will be officiated by Sawyer from Lost. Yes he's a real person. Stop trying to bring me down!)
  8. Any type of dance*
  9. A large bridal/groom party*
  10. Allowing other people to eat before I do*
  11. Popular music*
  12. Being bombarded with rice on our way out of the venue
  13. Releasing doves or some other type of foul*
  14. Wearing a long dress*
  15. Shaving my armpits*
  16. Letting Gideon choose what he wants on his groom's cake*
*These are things my mom will probably be able to talk me into doing. If you can't tell, I can be absolutely spineless.

Once we get deeper into wedding planning, I'll try to note as much about the process as possible so I can share it here. That includes taking photos of the people I throw drinks at and/or slap across the face during my bridezilla moments. 

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