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Tuesday, January 5, 2016

He Said She Said: The Proposal

So Gideon and I are getting married.

I'm super excited about it, but I'm almost more excited about finally having topics for "He Said She Said." I started this segment over a year ago and haven't really been able to do much with it, save for the Christmas movie reviews we wrote last month. The idea is that Gideon and I will both narrate an event we experienced together to provide differing perspectives on it. 

I think the story of how he proposed to me is a good way to resurrect it and an even better way to kick off my blogging in 2016. While we were both there when it happened, I'll admit I was nervously drinking wine and probably can't remember everything the way it really happened. Forgive me - blame the Kendall Jackson. 

She Said
Gideon and I started New Year’s Eve by sleeping in, which is one of my favorite things to do. After forcing ourselves out of bed, we attempted a workout at the gym and returned to our room to get ready for lunch. He said he wanted to take me to lunch someplace fancy. When I suggested Hooters, he said he wasn’t sure that was the best place for us to go. I don’t understand why; I think going to Hooters would be a great part of this story. 

Instead of eating wings served by scantily clad women, we went to a steakhouse. He had oysters and I had a steak. It was all delicious. Then, because we weren’t stuffed enough, we went to Publix to purchase items for a beachside picnic slated for later that night. We got goat cheese, gouda, spicy mustard, strawberry jam, French bread, yogurt-covered raisins and a bottle of wine. 

It was only 4 p.m. when we got back to the condo, so we played a game of Monopoly with Gideon’s family. I won. I feel that’s integral to this story. It was finally an hour before midnight, and we walked to the beach. Of course it was raining. We sat up our picnic on the covered poolside area instead and watched the rain as we ate.

Around 11:30 p.m., we had both finished the bottle of wine we brought. To say we were intoxicated would be an understatement. I was hiding under my shawl from the sound of fireworks - yes, some stupid kids actually thought it would be smart to set off fireworks in the rain - when Gideon nervously stood up and started bouncing up and down.

“I really like you and I hope you like me too,” he said. “I want to give you something.”

He pulled the ring box out of his pocket. Since I am a charming drunk, I laughed at him and said no. I took the ring and put it on. Gideon explained that my nana donated the stones in the ring, and I began sobbing. He was alarmed and asked me if I was okay. I blubbered something about just being happy. 

It wasn’t really what he had planned, but I don’t think it could’ve been more perfect. Well, if Lost had been playing in the background it might have been. We’ll just do that at the wedding.

He Said
When I think and plan something, it becomes an all-encompassing juggernaut thought. Blame my childhood OCD for that. Ever since I started a savings account with Sam in the picture, my thoughts were bending towards this night. By late August, I had a clear idea on my budget and had chosen New Year's Eve for the question. I had strafed Sam's snooping, conspired with her mother, whispered with her Nana and plotted with the cat. He didn't help much at all.

The day bloomed. Samantha and I were lazily drifting through the morning. I was half-sleeping, because I was already living the evening. We slept through our gym time --  a fine trade in my opinion. I was napping and mapping out a speech. Would she like something literary? A letter? Poetry? I had been feverishly mulling this for the better part of  a year. While my heart would be melted by a recitation of the Lay of Beren and Luthien, I elected against that. Brutal honesty and blunt emotion plays better with the lady. Oh, we're having lunch now? It's almost time!

We ate, then shopped for our New Year's picnic. I needed something light that passed for sumptuous, something that wouldn't make us ill when taken with wine. A variety of cheese and jams with a baguette did the trick. Since I had nine hours to obsessively reiterate, I bought an extra bottle of wine. Nerves. Lots of nerves.

Suddenly, it happened. It was 10:59 p.m. Dec. 31, 2015 in Orange Beach, Ala. (26350 Perdido Beach Boulevard, if you're interested) We were riding the elevator down to the beach. The ring was far too large to be hidden in my pocket. Everything was bent around it. I cautiously set our picnic spread, wary of dropping the object of my attention.

Samantha was happy. She was wrapped in beach towels to ward off the sudden cold. Hooligans were whooping it up on the beach. It was loud. Coppola's vineyard made it significantly warmer. I was happy. She was smiling. I couldn't stop.

It was 11:48 p.m. Dec. 31, 2015 in Orange Beach, Ala. I stopped waiting. She grabbed me and didn't let go.


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