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Friday, December 25, 2015

Merry, Merry Christmas!

Right now, I'm watching my mom and Gideon prepare our Christmas dinner in the kitchen. Mom just finished mashing the potatoes, which have the perfect amount of salt. I don't know how she does it. She said she tastes them every time she adds salt and mixes it in. I think she just wants to eat some potatoes.

Gideon's telling her about how to properly caramelize some kind of food. I think it's the ham. I probably should be helping them out, but I'm doing what I do best instead: watching the process. I'll contribute later when it comes to the eating part. I'm very, very good at that.

"Do you want the carrots rinsed?" Gideon just asked Mom.

She said yes, but I'm not sure why they want to rinse the carrots when they've already boiled them. Let's mark this down on the list of reasons why I'm not cooking Christmas dinner.

This Christmas has been wonderful. Last night, we opened presents with at Nana's house and had takeout from Texas Roadhouse.

Texas Roadhouse shorted us on a lot of items - we didn't get salads or steak sauce - but I didn't really care because I got to eat steak and I never get to eat steak. Mom and Nana really did so much for us this year. They bought a bedroom set for us and a washer and dryer, as well as lots of small presents under the tree. Mom pretty much restocked mine and Gideon's wardrobe. Nana got us throw pillows and lamps and kitchen gadgets.

I'm so lucky. Sometimes I think I say that too much, but I don't think I can say it enough. Along with all the festivities with my mom's family, another wonderful thing happened yesterday to remind me of all I have.

Gideon and I went to my dad's family for lunch and gift exchange, and my dad was himself. I don't write about this on here much, if at all, because I don't want to publicly discuss my father's personal problems. I don't think it's my business. But I'm so proud of him that I feel I should today. It's Christmas, after all.

Dad is a recovering alcoholic and has been sober for over a year. Yesterday, he was the person I remember from my childhood. He was the best version of himself. He was the person he is deep down. He's flawed but that makes him human. I've known for most of my life that I have his sense of humor, and today I am proud to be like him.

More importantly, I'm proud of him. I just can't say that enough. This has been the best Christmas I've had maybe ever. My family has treated me and Gideon far more than they should have, but that's not what I'm happy about. I'm happy to have seen them. I'm happy to know everyone I love is in a better place than they were last year.

Mom is getting ready in the bathroom now. Soon, we'll be driving over to Nana's house with a car full of food. Gideon's reading through Reddit on his phone while watching one of those murder shows on the ID Channel. He looks super cute in his new dark green sweater.

I can hear Mom drying her hair now. When I was younger, I was pretty impatient when she'd take so long to get ready. Today, I'm just happy to be going somewhere with her.

Merry Christmas. Surround yourself with love if you can. There's nothing like it.

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