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Saturday, March 21, 2015

Why you should absolutely never watch Lost with me

I wrote earlier that Gideon asked to watch Lost with me and I let him. I did not write about the results. Currently, we're on season six and have this conversation every episode:

Me: Hey, pay attention! Get off your phone! Something important happened!
Gideon: I can pay attention to two things at once.
Me: This is Lost though!

(Gideon likes to browse various media while watching TV or listening to music, which is almost always cool with me except for when we're watching the best television show of all time.)

Last night, the conversation took a turn. Browsing his mobile device, Gideon seemed to be paying little attention to the show. We were watching a scene where one of Widmore's obnoxious workers (not the one who looks like Tina Fey) was talking about science experiments, which rabbits were used for. At the end of the scene, the man looked at the rabbit and said, "You're next, buddy."

Me: Oh? You're paying attention? Then who is that guy talking to?
Gideon: A person.

I believe he's regretting his decision to watch this now.

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