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Monday, July 6, 2015

The Nana

Yesterday was my nana's birthday, but I was driving back from Texarkana and didn't get to write anything about it. I did call her, of course. One of her grandchildren had to. (The joke is that I am her only grandchild, but that would be lost on many of you so I have to explain it here.)

My nana is pretty cool. She's the kind of chick who would do anything for you and then downplay it when you bring it up later. That type of person, I think, is rare.

Her kindness aside, she's one of the funniest, most cynical people I know. My sense of humor (and my mother's) is really similar to hers, though I make a lot more poop jokes. (My mom doesn't make poop jokes though, because she's classy.)

I love going out to eat with Nana and watching her reaction to small disappointments. If the waiter doesn't bring a lemon with her water, Nana will purse her lips, look down and mutter, "I guess they ran out of lemons in the kitchen."

She'd never insult a service worker and points out mistakes politely, but I find it hilarious to see her initial response to something so small as no lemon on her water.

Happy (belated) birthday, Nana! I hope the waiter remembered that lemon yesterday.

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