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Thursday, September 3, 2015

Political rant (again)

I hate partisanship. I really hate it. I have so many friends whose views differ from mine and we get along well; dare I say it, we love each other. But there are many people out there who allow political parties to determine which humans are acceptable to like and dislike.

This me-versus-you culture is so, so detrimental to the intellectual and personal development of American citizens. We are all unique. We all have different experiences. We've got different goals, too.

Still, we are human. The best part of my job is relating to others on a human level; it's about finding common ground with others even if we disagree fundamentally. It's about developing relationships that challenge my own views, causing my opinions to evolve with each passing day. Having different perspectives on life will do that for you.

Partisanship kills these relationships. It creates a terrible, combative mentality. It drives people apart for no good reason.

I hate it.

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