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Wednesday, September 24, 2014

The Things I Said That My Way-Too-Serious Nurse Did Not Find Funny

  • "Naked time!" (Upon returning from the bathroom and being told I would have to change into my gown at this time.)
  • "Only when I drink coffee." (In response to, "Does your urine ever smell weird?")
  • "You want to see me naked, don't you?" (After she told me I'd have to change into my gown soon. This was before I realized she had no sense of humor whatsoever but I continued making jokes in the hope that she would break. She did not.)
  • "Where's the whiz palace?" (Asking about the bathroom's location - this was a joke from Parks and Recreation, so I'm especially convinced she has no sense of humor now.)
  • "Besides all the cocaine?" (When she asked me if I engaged in activities prior to surgery.)
  • "The six figure salary." (When she asked me what my favorite part about being a journalist is.)
She did smile when I complimented her glasses, but I suspect she was just humoring me at that point. 

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