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Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Costumes of Halloween past

Full disclosure: I'm going to tell a story about an ingenious Halloween costume my mother came up with in this post but realized that I don't actually have a photo to illustrate it. So instead I'll use an equally hilarious photo from one of my childhood Halloweens. This is the photo:

That's me dressed as an angel and my nana dressed as a cow. I describe her expression as, "Bitch, please!" She would probably agree with me on that. 
In the photo above, I am wearing a costume my nana sewed for me. She did not sew the halo or the wings because she was udder-ly overwhelmed with sewing the dress part. (My nana is a wonderful seamstress and you can't actually sew that kind of halo, so none of this is true. I just really wanted to get that pun in there.)

Some of my costumes, though, were not this planned. Scratch that - only one of my costumes was not planned. My mom ended up throwing it together after I changed my mind about trick-or-treating, and suddenly I am questioning how she put up with my antics so well. Anyway, the costume was a laundry hamper.

You read that correctly. I dressed up as a laundry hamper. It was surprisingly easy; my mom cut the bottom out of a round laundry hamper, put it around my waist and threw some clothes in it. I learned today that she got the idea from an outfit her friend wore to a costume party. In her words: "A friend of mine did it one year when we went to a party at a club."

It's days like this that I'm overly fond of my childhood. 

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