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Thursday, October 29, 2015


Our internet connection was out all day and night yesterday. Gideon and I are undoubtedly a product of our generation, so we freaked out a bit at first. 

"Is it back?" I asked while eating turkey chili. 

"No," he said.

"But you didn't even look!"
"I'm pretty sure it isn't back yet."

"Just take a look."

"Fine. It's still out."

Okay, so maybe I was the one who freaked out. That's not the point though. Once I accepted that I would not be plugged into my devices, I started brainstorming ways for us to entertain ourselves.  The first thing we did was play Skip Bo, a fun little card game guaranteed to make you curse aloud at least five times a minute. (Maybe that's just me.)

Gideon technically won, but I insisted that we play until all our card decks were empty. I still didn't win this way so I cheated and called myself a winner anyway. Sometimes I seriously question why I have friends. Once we finished playing cards, I suggested that we go for a walk downtown. 

The weather is perfect right now; it's cold enough to wear a sweater but you can still hear insects when you walk out side. Soon, Gideon told me on our walk, the insects will die off or leave because of the cold. I thought that was a great description of fall, which is my favorite season if I haven't said that enough

During the walk, I snapped a photo of the moon I thought was really good. I showed it to my photographer friend at work this morning and he kindly told me it wasn't really that good at all. But most of you aren't professional photographers, so I'll let you marvel at my talent:

Okay, so I accept that it isn't good. But the moon looks like a UFO, so I've got that going for me.
We went home earlier than I wanted to because Gideon was texting my mother and she told him to take me home immediately. I've had some sinus problems this past week, and suddenly I'm wondering why I told my mother that. So we sat in the car outside our apartment complex listening to Kanye West's "Hey Mama" and gazing at all the fall colors around us.

"We should have an internet-free night once a week," I suggested.

Gideon agreed.

It was a good thing that we let go of our devices for the night and enjoyed each other's company. We live together, but I realized last night that we don't really talk about that much anymore. He's always plugged into Reddit and I'm always reading my Kardashian and Duggar forums. It doesn't seem like we're ever together the way we were last night.

That's a shame, and it should change. I hope it does. 

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