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Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Bad day (this title is so 2005)

I have had a bad day.

It's only 12:40, so it could easily get worse.

I was going to write a post about the mini-vacation Gideon and I took to Hot Springs this weekend. I was going to write a post about how we celebrated our friend-iversay, or five years of knowing each other without finding the other completely dull. I was going to write a post about Bruce Jenner's transition and how angry Kris Jenner (or is she back to Kardashian now? You know she follows that money train) must be about it.

But instead, this is what I am writing while eating lunch, which consists of my second cup of coffee for the day and three dark chocolate kisses.

Don't judge me.

Update: It's 1:34 and it did get worse.

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