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Tuesday, April 7, 2015

The Springs: BJ the Styrofoam Predator

Four years ago, I told Gideon that we should move in after graduating from college and start a sitcom. We'd leave the door to our apartment unlocked all the time, I said, so that our zany neighbors could barge in at any time and scream their romantic troubles at us. I even discussed a special episode where one of our friends gets addicted to charitable acts and we'd have to host an intervention to let said friend know the merits of sitting around and doing nothing all day.

It was the perfect plan.

Our life isn't quite like that now, though we do have an obnoxious (and cute!) yellow cat who meows at us constantly for wet food, hugs and to be let outside so he can prey on the unsuspecting crows and squirrels. We live too far away from our friends to involve them in our subplots and spend most of our time watching TV and eating pasta when they visit us, so it's not exactly a night with the Hoff to begin with. (I could convince one of our friends to drunkenly consume a hamburger if that would please all of you, though. Email me if interested and we can work something out.)

Still, I think we make a pretty  funny pair. So funny, in fact, that I've decided to start writing down the conversations we have with each other and with the cat. I think our sitcom should be called The Springs since we live in Eureka Springs and consume water in order to live. Also, I'm a big fan of trampolines.

Here is the first of many scenes from The Springs:

Int. Our apartment. GIDEON and SAM are toying around with a newly-purchased bookcase. GIDEON tosses a large cube of styrofoam across the room.

BJ THE CAT enters and attacks, viciously gnawing away at the block before kicking it away and staring at us in disgust.

GIDEON: Why did you think that would be a good idea?
GIDEON: Styrofoam isn't food.
SAM: I think he's mad at us.
GIDEON: He's going to pee in one of your purses.
SAM: No, he knows which one of us picked him out of the pound.

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