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Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Mo Money, No Problems

With the Labor Day holiday weekend coming up, I am super swamped at work. I'm so swamped that I'm speed-typing this blog post in-between compiling interview notes, sipping coffee and fielding calls for this ass-long feature article I'm writing.

Behold the image I found after googling "long ass." I had been hoping for  an ass-tronomically long mule, but this will do. 
Obviously I am exhausted, but I'd rather focus on something positive for the blog to develop the illusion that my life is a constant stream of watching Lost, eating ice cream and snuggling with my live-in boyfriend. (Though, to be fair, that's pretty much how I spend my weekends.)  Are you ready for some good news?

Gideon got a job! That means we will no longer be a struggling one-income household. Hell, with his new occupation, we might even etch our way toward lower middle class status. It's the American dream, I'm sure of it.

Here is a quick list of all the things I plan to buy now that Gideon has employment:

(Yes, this list is meant to pad this post so that I can bang out content for the blog during my five minute coffee break. I regret nothing.)

  • More catnip
  • Extra wet food for BJ (We could start feeding him two wet foods a day. He is so spoiled.)
  • Fresh vegetables
  • Some terrible YA novels I've been wanting to read but refuse to look over at a book store even though it's free because I have an English degree and damn it, I will not be caught in public reading a novel titled "The Au Pairs: Summer of Love."
  • Knit socks for BJ and Gideon (Just imagine the cuteness overload of that Christmas card)
  • A subscription to my offensive lady magazine of choice
There you go. This post is so sad and empty even though I put an extra minute into it. For your trouble, here is a cute photo of me, Gideon, and BJ. 

Okay, I look exhausted. But BJ and Gideon definitely steal the show.

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