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Friday, August 15, 2014

The Worst Part of Living with Your Significant Other

I have better photos of us, but this
 really captures our essence.
Gideon and I started dating last January and moved in together in May, which would seem really fast if you didn't know that we knew each other for four years before we started dating. We lived together in Fayetteville and then he moved to Eureka Springs with me for my new job.

Living with the person you love is great, especially when that person cooks for you and takes care of your cat  and rubs your back at the end of a long day and possesses a certain tall, dark and handsome nature. (Did I mention that I am lucky? Because I am.) That said, living with the person you love opens you up to an entirely new can of worms that you really, really need to be prepared for. I don't fart in front of my friends unless I've known them for a really long time, but I've actually had one of those musical farts in front of Gideon already. (A musical fart is when you sustain a fart for a long period of time, alternating between loud and quiet/long and short. I also call it a fart symphony. Beethoven's Fart-h, if you will.)

So what is the worst part of living with your significant other? I've done quite a bit of research into the matter (read: four months of experience) and after surveying a wide range of people (read: me) I have come to a very scientific conclusion. The worst part of living with your significant other is - drum roll please - forgetting your SO is in the room with you and doing really weird activities you only do when alone. If you're lucky, your SO will tell you it's "cute" that you talk to the pooping bear on the Charmin commercial. Of course, it gets much worse than that. Here, my friends, is a fairly short list of all the things I've done without realizing Gideon is directly behind/beside me:

(I'll present these without explanation because it might make it funnier but also because I am lazy.)

  • Sustained a belch from the bedroom to the kitchen
  • Wrapped my cat in a blanket after proclaiming, "Are you ready to become Cat Baby?"
  • Exclaimed "NOT THE FETTUCINNE" while watching Masterchef
  • Stood my cat up on his hind legs and forced him to dance with me
  • Attempted break dancing
  • Made a beard out of bubbles in the bathtub while saying "Ho ho ho" in a deep voice
  • Sat on the floor with my cat and rolled around on the ground to imitate him
  • Dipped pretzel chips in vanilla icing
  • Peanut butter fingers
  • Literally danced like no one is watching
  • Sung "Total eclipse of the fart" instead of "total eclipse of the heart"
If you don't question his sanity for staying with me after reading that list, then you should give me a call and I'll fart really loudly when we're in the same room. It seems like the logical next step in our friendship.

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