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Friday, August 1, 2014

Something Something Introduction Something Something

Full disclosure: This isn't my first time to blog. It's actually not my second time to blog either. Really, I know my way around the (blogging) block way, way too well by now. I stopped my last blog, which ran for roughly four years, halfway through my senior year of college. Why? I think I realized that I made a lot of poor decisions - enough to compose notebooks and notebooks of angst-ridden poetry - and I didn't really want to be reminded of my mistakes.

I dated the wrong guy. I befriended the wrong people. I stuck around for people who would never stick around for me. The only good thing I did in college was work toward my future career, logging hours upon hours in my college's tiny journalism department. During my time in school, I ran the school newspaper and worked for the communications office. I was working around fifteen hours a week my last year of college while taking a full class load, including a 400 level course on William Faulkner. (I hated Faulkner when I signed up for the class, I hated Faulkner when I actually took the class, and now, somehow, I enjoy Faulkner. It is a mystery of Nancy Drew-caliber.)

Now I'm in a good place. I'm in a great place, if I'm being honest  and evading my natural tendency toward cynicism. I have a wonderful boyfriend, whom I would boast about way more if his ego wasn't already on the verge of exploding. I have an amazing job in the field I love, working as a reporter for a legitimate newspaper after struggling to find jobs in journalism for the past two months. (I know two months is an extraordinarily short period of unemployment, especially for a recent college graduate, but I have to constantly work if I expect my mood to stabilize. Otherwise, I'm prone to extreme anxiety and panic attacks and watching old seasons of Keeping Up with the Kardashians on Hulu, a condition I wish on no one save for my arch enemy John Locke, the once wheelchair-bound survivor on Lost who killed Boone and ran around wielding knives and killed boars and remained almost completely unsympathetic until he was murdered by Ben Linus in the season five episode "The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham.")

I thought about writing a more explicit "about me" post to start this blog, but I'm pretty sure you know all you need to know about me already. This, my two readers (me and my mother, obviously), is a writing technique called "show, not tell."

So now you know that I love my boyfriend, my job, and - above all those things - Lost. I could write a novel about Lost. Actually, I did write a Lost fan-fiction when I was 14 that spanned the length of a novel, inserting myself as the main character for obvious reasons. I will probably continue to talk about Lost in this blog, because I have a sickness that requires me to discuss it at least once a day.

In all seriousness, I returned home from a job interview this past month before attaining my new job and Gideon (my boyfriend) jokingly asked me how many times I talked about Lost in the interview, and I had to seriously respond, "Two times."

Oh, I also have a cat, and he is the best cat in the world. He is a yellow tabby (hence the title of this blog) and he is the best cat in the world. He's also the best cat in the world. Here is a photo of me and him, just so you can see how he is the best cat in the world:

I used to be vain.

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